Finally made a start on the pond :oD

I’ve been putting it off for weeks now and today I finally decided to get out there and move some of the flowers from the border where the pond is going to be.
You can see it’s overgrown with weeds and grass but the primroses are lovely and I didn’t want to just chuck them away.

Spring flower border before being dug up for pond
Oh dear, I’ve only just realised I didn’t tidy all the stuff on the patio before taking the photo! Please ignore the broken chair, tipped over plastic chairs and general mess!

I marked out the border edge with the spade then removed all the grass. I dug it over, removing all the weeds that I could so it became a clearly defined border again.

Garden before flower border
Before – you’d never know a border had even been here the way the grass had overtaken it!

Then I dug up the primroses, forget me nots and some lily bulbs from the other border….

Garden before pond

and replanted them in the newly dug border ๐Ÿ™‚

flower border

I’m not sure what to plant here for interest and colour when after the primrose flowers have gone. I think I need to go and consult Sir Google!

Ella’s been outside taking photos and she was delighted to see the return of the bleeding heart flowers, as was I and I love the forget-me-nots ๐Ÿ™‚

Bleeding hearts


Forget me nots